“COMMITMENT is that turning point in your life when you SEIZE THE MOMENT and convert into an opportunity to ALTER YOUR DESTINY” – Dennis Waitley
One morning, Mac the Chicken and Peppa the Pig were competing against each other as to which one has more obligations on a human’s breakfast table. Mac the Chicken said, “You know what Peppa, I believe I am so important for human’ breakfast.”Peppa the Pig asked, “And why did you say that?”
“That is because; humans love to eat my eggs. They cook it in various ways, they want to scramble it, cook it sunny side up, hard boiled it. Sometimes they even mix them with tomatoes, onions, garlic. I believe human’s breakfast would not be complete without my precious eggs. Plus can you just imagine all the effort I put in to lay those eggs. I would say I am very much INVOLVED every morning with them” said Mac the Chicken.
Peppa the Pig then said. “Your obligation is so tiny compared to mine.”
Peppa the Pig then said. “Your obligation is so tiny compared to mine.”
“Why?” Mac the Chicken asked.
“Humans love to eat hotdogs, hamburgers and bacons during breakfast. I have nothing else to lay but my life. I am not just involved, I am COMMITTED” said Peppa the Pig.
Are you Committed or Involved?
There is a big difference in being involved or interested to that of being committed. When you are involved you do it only when it is convenient; when you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, just results. When you join AIM Global, there is a thin line between getting just involved and being committed. That thin line would determine success or failure in this business. In fact that thin line spreads over not just in business but in other areas of your life.
Can you imagine if you are the father or mother of your kids, and you tell them that I am just involved in our family, but I am not really committed? Or what would you think if the President of your country is not really committed in serving the whole nation. That he or she is just there for fanfare or he or she would show up only when good things are happening, but hides in a hole when things go bad?
Commitment is very important, most especially if your desire to succeed is really strong enough. It is an on-going process, it never stops.
Buying your global package is a start of your commitment. Hey, what do you think would happen to distributor’s attitude if AIM Global offers FREE membership to join our company? Would they really take this business seriously? Would they quit at once if things do not go according to plan right away?
The truth is, because of our low start-up fee of an estimated amount in all countries of $200 USD, with all the benefits of products and services that you get in return, plus the chance to earn $500-600 USD per day, some people finds the business easy to give up.
Why? That is because to some people $200 USD is so cheap. It’s more like buying a brand new cellphone. But what if you invested $200,000 USD? Do you think your mindset would change? Would you be more committed?We bet you would be.
May we suggest something?
If you really want to be truly successful in AIM Global, think of yourself putting up a huge supermarket, like as if you invested millions of dollars or pesos.
That way you will have a different perspective in working out your business.
Again, commitment never stops upon joining. You should take TIME TO LEARN. Invest more time in attending trainings, big events.

Let go of the AKNY syndrome (Alam Ko Na Yan). Stop being Mr. or Ms. IKIA (I Know It All).
Be humble enough to learn.
Commit to become a Global Ambassador.
Commit to become a Millionaires Circle Member.
And most of all commit to yourself, to your family in getting Rich, that way you can be a blessing to more people.
See you at the TOP
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