“Network Marketing is like a GOLD MINE. 97% of the people complain of the 99% of dirt and dust and keep complaining, 3% of the people focus on the 1% GOLD and keep COLLECTING” – AIMCADEMY.
There are many people who after attending the Opportunity Plan Presentation (OPP) wants to join the business right out. However, there are certain feelings of doubt and fear that creeps up in their minds. They are asking questions from within like, “Can I really do this? What if I don’t succeed? What if I can’t invite people to join me? What if I can’t sell even one product?” These questions left unanswered could lead a potential Downline to become a negative prospect.
The solution for this is to have them attend the NDO. It is because thru the NDO we address to them their feelings of FEAR and DOUBT. We let them know that it is normal to have these types of feelings because to some people, this kind of business model is something new to them. Or perhaps, this could be their first time to do business in general.
Can you imagine being stuck in a corporate structure where you are used to have your supervisor or superior ordering you things and suddenly you find yourself in a position of becoming your own BOSS? You can’t change 10 or even 20 years of employment mentality to just a 2 hour business presentation. These things take time.
That is why our general rule is that for every prospect that attends the OPP, it is imperative that within 48 hours they attend the NDO. There are many negative forces outside. These forces drain you from happiness, excitement and enthusiasm. These negative forces pop your balloon of hopes and dreams. They love discouraging you from even trying. A lot of them may even be your closest relative or friend. Some may even have good intentions because they don’t want to see you hurt when you fail. Some may even become threatened by your ambitions and they are not used to dreamers like you. They want you to stay just as you are, just like them, to just live life as it is. They get uneasy because they themselves can’t find the courage to go after their dreams.
These is so true specially if you are in a close knit group, like if your with your friends that has been together for a long time. You all have one ideal that is why when one stands out and shifts his paradigm, you suddenly find yourself becoming an outcast.
The best thing to do here is to limit your time with them. We are not saying you to avoid them totally but sometimes there are people in our lives that we can only love from a distance. You can’t help people that are not ready to help themselves.
The good news is, when you join AIM Global, you will be open to a new set of friends. You will become open to people who make things happen instead of wondering what happen. You gain more wisdom and you can also DISCOVER the hidden talents and strengths that you thought you never had.
A classic example is Global Ambassador Leo Caduyac from Tagbilaran Bohol, Philippines. The guy never thought he had a power to inspire people. He has all the reasons to fail in this business. He is a former tricycle driver. He has very limited education. He stopped school at 5th grade. But because of his willingness to change his life, he gained strength from all the trainings, NDOs he attended – he then right now is one of the Top Inspiring Distributor of AIM Global.
What does it take to overcome your FEARS and DOUBTS?
Come to the office and attend NDO. It is where you will LEARN THE RIGHT WAY to do this business. If you don’t have our office near you, keep watching our online NDOs and other Training from this website. The idea is to surround yourself with positive people who lift you up not with the negative people who pull you down.
How long does it take to earn?
We can’t really say. Only you can answer that question. Everything worth doing takes time and practice.
Some people say 6 months to a year. But let us tell you that only two things can happen to you with AIM GLOBAL.

Some people say 6 months to a year. But let us tell you that only two things can happen to you with AIM GLOBAL.
Some people are in figure A, they come in the business and in just a few months, BOOM! Their group grows quickly. Like an F1 race car. Other are like figure B, they growth is not as fast as the first group but slowly and surely it begins to grow until finally, they get to earn their rewards.
However which group you fall into, always remember that you will make money in AIM Global. It is a guaranteed fact as long as you don’t quit.
So always keep punching. Vaccinate yourself from the negative forces outside by attend the NDO.
However which group you fall into, always remember that you will make money in AIM Global. It is a guaranteed fact as long as you don’t quit.
So always keep punching. Vaccinate yourself from the negative forces outside by attend the NDO.
We are 100% sure, it is inevitable, that you will achieve all your hopes and dream with us!
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