“Problems are not called problem, they are called opportunities” – MLM Legend, Jun Kintanar
On your path to financial freedom, there will be challenges ahead. Expect it will be there. There would be roadblocks and detours along the way. It is part of life. It is part of your growth as a successful entrepreneur. But, it could also be one of the key ingredients that can propel you to greatness.
There is a reason why the road in becoming a Global Ambassador, which is the highest level in our Marketing Plan, is drawn like a Stair Step. And that is you have to climb a number levels to get to it. It also means that by climbing you need to exert certain amount of effort to REACH THE TOP. There are no shortcuts in our business.
People sometimes fear of joining Network Marketing because of this fact that you have to work your way to the top, they often feel that the business is very hard. And that you have to grind it real hard before reaching your goal.
Our answers to this are simple.
First, is the work could be hard, but the rewards are really great, it is so great that even after your work is done, you are still getting paid.
Second, with the work you are doing right now, isn’t it also the same, you work 8 to 10 hours a day, sometimes you even bring your work at home spending less quantity and quality time with your family.
Some of our countrymen even go out abroad, working odd jobs just to provide for their family back home, a family that they can only see thru Facebook or Skype. The sad thing about some of our OFWs is that if they do not take care of their finances, they would find themselves without any savings for retirement and would soon be a burden to their children when they grow old.
If you put the same amount of HARD WORK with AIM Global and just follow the system, your time can be spent well with your family plus the fact that you will have a great retirement because of the savings that you will earn from this business.
Lastly, if Network Marketing is hard for you, try picking up garbage instead. Maybe that would be easy, but then what values will you have from acquiring things easily?
So when you join AIM Global expect challenges. Remember difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Challenges make our business more interesting, and overcoming them makes it even more meaningful. There may be problems ahead, but in our lingo, problems are not called problems, they are actually called opportunities.
So you may hear some of our distributors would come to their Upline and say. “Upline, I have an opportunity”. You know what that means.
There are two kinds of “OPPORTUNITIES” that you may encounter in AIM Global Business

1. “Opportunities” other people give you.
No capital to join.
Downlines do not follow you.
Downlines who don’t believe in themselves.
These are “opportunities” that are easy to solve. Just say “next”. (Go to the next person)
There are about 6 billion people in this world. Don’t make other peoples problem become your problem. Everybody has their own drama in life. Let go of the need of solving each and every one of them.
No capital to join.
Downlines do not follow you.
Downlines who don’t believe in themselves.
These are “opportunities” that are easy to solve. Just say “next”. (Go to the next person)
There are about 6 billion people in this world. Don’t make other peoples problem become your problem. Everybody has their own drama in life. Let go of the need of solving each and every one of them.
2. “Opportunities” that you give yourself.
The office is too far.
It’s too hot today. It’s raining today.
I have no friends. I am alone in this world.
I have no car, no proof.
This type of “opportunity” we believe is much easier to solve than the first one. This is because the only person who started this problem is none other than you, yourself.
But take note, it will only be easy IF, and only IF you accept and realize that the real problem is inside of you, If you think that the problem is outside of you like if you blame your outside circumstances for your difficulty, then we are sorry to say but we doubt you would ever succeed in this business or life in general.
The office is too far.
It’s too hot today. It’s raining today.
I have no friends. I am alone in this world.
I have no car, no proof.
This type of “opportunity” we believe is much easier to solve than the first one. This is because the only person who started this problem is none other than you, yourself.
But take note, it will only be easy IF, and only IF you accept and realize that the real problem is inside of you, If you think that the problem is outside of you like if you blame your outside circumstances for your difficulty, then we are sorry to say but we doubt you would ever succeed in this business or life in general.
Remember, you can’t solve any problem from the same mindset that created it in the first place. So when you find yourself paralyze with the challenges you face in our business, just GO BACK TO THE ROOT OF YOUR THINKING and ask yourself, are the challenges I face in this business are true or did I just made it up, myself.
Reflect on your answer.
Once you’re ready, just go back to the basics and continue to learn the business.
In reality, AIM Global Business, just like any other profession or industry, would only be hard if you do not find time to learn it.
In reality, AIM Global Business, just like any other profession or industry, would only be hard if you do not find time to learn it.
So give yourself a chance to succeed, take time in learning. Have a feel of our culture, our values.
Challenges may occur, but it should not paralyze you. It is supposed to be there to have you discover who you really are, and what you are made of.
Here is to the inevitable achievement of your dreams.
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