Desire you want success

The starting point of desire of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.“ – Napoleon Hill

To become successful in any business, be it Franchising, Traditional Business and most of all Network Marketing, one must have a burning desire to succeed in the beginning. It all starts with you wanting it from the start. The “want” part should resonate from your deepest core values, that you want it badly enough, you would do whatever it takes to be win, to succeed, to triumph, to attain whatever goals you have set.
Burning desire is translated literally in Tagalog as, “lumalagablab na pagnanasa”. Almost like as if your whole being is on fire and you’re raring to start right away towards the achievement of your dreams.
Desire maybe taken negatively by some because they often relate it to obsession or craving too much for something like a person or an object which only satisfies man’s earthly needs. While it is true that desiring too much on something may not be good, we must remember that desire is just like money. It simply is a tool that we use every day.
Desire can be a powerful tool that brings more goodness to humanity, or it can lead you to self-destruction for example (DRUGS, alcohol, etc.). It leads you closer to God and destiny or away from it. So in other words, desire is not a bad thing in itself, it is a powerful force within each one of us that if used, can bring forth abundance, goodness and advancement of every human being.
 Desire in AIM Global Business
Desire in aim global business
When you start doing AIM Global business, it is highly recommended that you start this business with a burning desire to succeed in mind.  Most especially if you truly want to succeed. If you do not “truly” want to succeed, like if you’re in this business just to earn extra dollars (which is fine) or money to pay your kid’s tuition fees or just to pay rent or your car mortgage, well then there is no need for that burning desire to be present.
But if you are like most of us who wants financial freedom, who dreams of a better future for our family, who wants to create a life with more purpose and meaning by helping more of our countrymen get over the hump of poverty, then you need desire to spark up that fire in you.
AIM Global is liken to an airplane of opportunity, which is true, but let us tell you that this plane is not an ordinary Airbus or 747s used by airline companies. It is a supersonic jet plane that can travel faster than the speed of sound. The engines, fuel and pilots for these two aircraft are very much different.
Similarly, when you do AIM Global business, the mindset is different as compared to being an ordinary employee or a small time businessman. The disparity is overwhelmingly different.  Some people think that the longer they stay in their job, their value increase, like if they are working 10 years in a company, they think themselves more valuable than the one who is in for just 2 or 3 years. We believe this isn’t true. We believe in employment everyone only has one year experience regardless of the total number of years you are physically employed.  Why?  It is because you have already mastered everything you need to know in your job on your very first year and all you did is you just repeated it over and over, every year.
In business, it’s different.  What you did in your first year, could be obsolete in your second year. When you do business, you get to be exposed in different scenarios where you really need to think and create different ideas in order to sustain it.  But generally speaking, in order for your profit to grow, you as an individual should grow. Your value is directly proportional to your attitude. The good news is, all of this growth is truly possible. Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said “You can earn more, because you can become more”.
Now you know why the gap with regards to the results of an ordinary employee and a big business person is gigantically different.
We believe that becoming more starts with desire.
Have a passion for success.
Desire you want success.
We all want to see you at the top!

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