Can Network Marketing be done part time? This is a common question for beginners and prospects and the answer to that question is YES, it can be done part time or full time. It really depends on you. One of the magic of network marketing is that it gives you a chance to build your business without ever jeopardizing your current source of income.

If you were to put up a traditional business like “sar-sari” store, do you think you would still be able to keep your 8 hour job? You will be forced to choose which source of income to keep right?


Because if you don’t choose, chances are your store can only make money when you are around to sell. Which is during night time or probably weekends when you are around. Either that or you take the risk of human factor by hiring someone to sell your goods while you are out.

In networking, it is different. Not only can you start doing the business part time, but you can actually do the business part time indefinitely. You call the shots. You are your own boss. Almost 90% of those who join a network marketing started the business as part time.

Now what happens if your income from this business far exceeds the income you are receiving in your current job, would you go full-time? It is really up to you. Most people say yes, but that answer would really depend on you. The important thing is that, now you have something which most working people don’t have. That is a CHOICE.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many people get stuck in a job they don’t like, living from paycheck to paycheck and then finally waking up at the age of 65? Only to find out that they have lost their time and energy to something they don’t really want to do. That is because they simply don’t have any choice.

The good news is that you now have that CHOICE. But as always there are some key things you need to do in order to make this business work for you even as a part time. You need to change some of your habits.

Habits starts in the mind.

Before there is a habit of doing, there is a habit of thinking. So if you want to change your bad habits. You need to change the bad thoughts that created the bad habits.

One of the bad thoughts that comes to people’s mind is that, when they do something, they automatically assume that results would happen fast and quick.

Like when they join AIM Global today, tomorrow they want to have millions in the bank. AIM global or network marketing Is not a get rich quick scheme. When you start this business, it takes time, it takes hard work, it takes a lot of mentors to guide you.

The key here is patience, much like losing weight. If you weigh 300lbs and you run for 3 kilometers today, do not expect yourself to lose 50lbs tomorrow.

Be patient, take the long view.

Focus on the small steps and enjoy it. Each step is a wonderful event in itself, not just a chore you have to go through in order to reach your long term goal.

Here are some of the steps you can do
1. Commit to doing a very small step, every day for a month.

If you want to lose weight, change your diet a little bit. Eat an apple instead of that bag of potato chips. Eat veggies at dinner instead of something fried. If you want to run, run even for just 5 minutes every day. In doing network marketing start talking to at least 3 people every day. Get your upline to guide you on the right scripts or words to say to your prospect. Read a new book about self-development. You can also try to learn how to present the marketing plan.

The idea is to take tiny steps. Every day. They add up to a lot over time.

2. Be accountable.

Tell someone you trust like your friend or upline, that you are going to do this habit and report to them regularly. Like if your goal is to invite at least one person a week into the office and listen to the business orientation, tell your upline about it. Or perhaps get two person to join the business every month, go ahead and report it. Have a consequence for not doing the habit.

3. Focus on starting each day.

If you are going to run for 5 minutes, focus on just getting on your shoe and getting out the door. If you are going to speak to at least 3-5 people a day about your business, just focus on sending that message through text or by social media. That is all you have to do! It’s so easy you can’t say no.

4. Learn to watch over your ego or negative thoughts.

As you continue doing your habit, be aware that your ego will start to give out excuses on why you shouldn’t do the habit. You will notice it will start to justify for you to stop and will try to give you reasons to stay on your “comfort zone”. It will trick you into believing that what you are doing is not going to work.

Don’t believe them. They are simply your mind’s way of trying to get out of discomfort. But you will learn to be fine in discomfort.

5. Increase gradually.

In running, if you find your 5 minute a day run too easy for you. You can then go ahead and increase it to maybe 7-10 minutes. Just like in network marketing, if you find the 3-5 people a day prospects too easy, then you can gradually increase to 5-10 people a day. Make it a slow and gradual progress until your mind and body would settle into this as your new “normal”.

6. Enjoy each step

This could be the most important part of the process of building your career in network marketing. That is to enjoy every step. You might start to feel that you are not making any progress, but progress could not be seen in small amounts. It is only after a lot of time that you will see progress. We suggest that you focus on the small step in front of you, while you are speaking to your friends. Not only that you can get to share your wonderful business opportunity but you can actually get to stay connected from an old acquaintance that you have not spoken for a long time.

Each step is all that matters, and they can be very enjoyable if you let go of the need to get your goal and instead appreciate the moment as it is.

It is amazing to have great products to share. It is wonderful to have a powerful opportunity to talk about. It’s great to be alive at this moment.

Now this method may be simple, but simplicity is why it works. It can work for numerous kinds of habit like getting out of debt, exercising , eating healthier etc.

Start with simple habits and work on your part time business called AIM Global. You will definitely have a sophisticated powerful business that could change yourself and the whole world!


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