It is the Law of Leverage.

When you say it is a LAW, and your are talking about mega-wealth. That only means it is a MUST.

You have to leverage yourself in order to earn the BIG BUCKS or if you truly want to be SUPER RICH.

JFC or Jollibee Food Corporation would not be the mega-company they are right now if they did not leverage.

They started in 1975 as an ice cream parlor. Then opened their first franchise store in 1979 at Sta Cruz Manila.

Now almost 4 decades after, they now have over 800 branches all over the world, making them one of the Top 1000 Corporations in the Philippines.

The magic here is the JFC did not stop in putting up Jollibee Stores alone, they acquired other giants like Mang Inasal, Chowking, Red Ribbon, etc. They have to this date over 2,200 stores all over the world.

Now what is the secret to Jollibee’s success?

Simply put, it is leveraging. They have multiplied themselves by leaps and bounds.

Can you imagine if the Jollibee Owner and founder Tony Tan got happy and contented with one Jollibee store in Manila?

Where would be the “BEE” today?

It could be Inside the nest, making honey for Mr. Mcdonald.

The secret formula.

Law of leverage is one secret that almost everybody knows, it only becomes a “secret” because not everybody is willing to apply it.


Because in a traditional business, leveraging or expansion takes a lot of hard work, money, financial intelligence, money etc. If you want to be big in the restaurant business you need to attend food services or perhaps equipment conventions and the like. You also need lots of money.

If you want to be a mall giant like Mr Henry Siy, the owner of ShoeMart(SM) you need a long-term marketing strategy, a list of a number of consumer promotions, money, traffic building schemes, money, the list goes on and on. Oh by the way did we mention that you need MONEY?

There are many factors to consider but in case you didn’t notice. You need money. And we mean BIG money!

The cost to put up a Jollibee franchise store is in between P15 – P30 million depending on the site.

Now that’s a lot of money. That is why the secret formula could only be played by the hands of the rich and wealthy.

But that has already changed.

The equalizer

Network Marketing has leveled the playing field. The Law of leverage is no longer a game that only the rich can have the hand of.

In this industry, you don’t need millions, you don’t need to be exceptional, you don’t need to be brilliant.

You just need to be teachable and you are on your way to financial freedom.

In AIM Global, instead of you selling the product by yourself, you can actually expand your reach by opening up outlets. You can be another Tony Tan of Jollibee, you can open up lot of outlets , plenty of stores, and you do that by sponsoring other people into your business.

And that is why ladies and gentlemen there is sponsoring in network marketing. That is for you to expand your business.

What is so important in sponsoring?

You may be the most intelligent, most handsome, most beautiful, most talented, super duper cute, awesome, gregarious and charismatic person in this entire planet but always remember that you are still limited by the same 24 hours in a day.

When you start to sponsor people, you can actually overcome this severe handicap. It gives you a chance to duplicate yourself and have a dozen up to thousands of people working indirectly on your behalf on their time. It allows you to receive a percentage of everything they do.

American industrialist J. Paul Getty said, he would rather earn one percent out of 100 people’s effort, than to earn 100% out of his own effort.

Think about it this way, you are a high school teacher, and within your contract it says that you would receive 1% portion of your students lifetime earnings. Do you think you would get excited in teaching, would you teach to as many students that you can?

Sponsoring builds Security

In most traditional business like a restaurant, auto supply, hardware or a simple sari-sari store you make money when you are present in your business. But what could happen if you become ill or disabled and you are unable to service your customers?

Or perhaps you simply want to have a long vacation in Boracay islands with your family? For whatever reason, you could lose most if not all of your income overnight because your business relies on you being there.

This we say, is not owning your life and it is certainly not financial freedom.

Some people envy the income a Doctor or a Lawyer receives. But have you ever asked , what happens if the Doctor closed his clinic, or let’s say he did not show up in his office? Would you as a patient still send him money?

We know of this one bank manager who is due for promotion as an AVP (Assistant Vice President) of their company. However on the eve of his birthday, he suffered a major stroke paralyzing half of his body. This prompted him to retire because he could no longer fulfill his duties as an employee. The hard part is losing all the company benefits, like the big salary, his car.. etc.

With AIM Global, it is different. If you do not work today those in your organization are working for themselves and you receive a portion of their efforts.

This is definitely a win-win situation for everyone involved.

By sponsoring and building a downline organization, you can create total financial freedom.

Each person in your downline has a vested interest in continuing and building their own business. You create an income that is not dependent on you, not dependent on your efforts alone.

You create an income that can continue, even grow, indefinitely with or without you inspite of what you do.

Yes, you can now use the most important secret to wealth. You now have the secret. Use it well.

And as always, here’s to the inevitable achievement of your dreams !


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