Once there was this man who had insomnia problems for many months. At first, he did not really mind it at all but the past few weeks really made it from bad to worse. He then decided to visit his doctor and told him groggily that he is having a hard time sleeping at night. He said that if he does doze off he is suddenly awakened by a terrible dream, and once awake he could no longer go back to sleep of the fear of having that same dream again. So the Doctor asked, “What is it you are dreaming about”?

He said in his dream, he is standing in front of a giant building and he desperately want to go inside. The problem is, no matter how hard he tried he could not open the door. He kept pushing and pushing and pushing the door to open but it would not budge. He said that it is very important to open that door because, he believe that it is his “door of opportunity”. He believed that inside the building lies all of his wishes and goals. After pushing so hard, he suddenly wakes up, feeling tired, with sweat all over his body.

The Doctor then said, “This is what you should do, the next time you have that same dream; don’t try to open the door right away. Instead step back for awhile and notice the surroundings, try to see exactly where you are, the length of the door, its texture, and color. Force yourself to observe your environment before you do anything else.

That night, he again had the same dream, he was about to try and open the door, but subconsciously, he remembered what the Doctor said, so he stepped back for awhile noticing everything around him. Suddenly, a big sign stood out by the door handle, and it says, “PULL”.

On the path to financial freedom, a lot of people are so much busy in their lives, working so hard to earn a living, meeting deadlines, setting goals, always looking forward for tomorrow. It is almost like the present moment is just used as a means to an end. Never being happy in what they are doing because what they are thinking is that, once they reach their goal, or got that promotion in their job, then that is the time for them to be happy. Sadly, this never happens because, the moment you reach your goal, your mind is off wandering again for the next moment. In short, the means to an end never ends.

You suddenly wake up at the age of 60 or 70 years old wondering where all the time has gone.

You have been caught up in a Rat Race. You believed in a system that no longer works. Working 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, with over 40,000 hours on your job and by age 60, that is when you retire.

Mind you this article does not degrade the idea of being an employee, we all have at some time in our life need to work for somebody else, but only to degree of getting more wisdom, knowledge and experience so that one day, we can all use this in having a business that could change not only your life but the lives of the many.

If you have struggled financially for the past years, you have pushed so hard but could not get any results, and you are left wondering how you could change all that this New Year, 2015. Maybe it is time to stop for awhile and stop pushing. Maybe it’s time to check your surroundings.

You could be moving in the wrong direction.

Maybe it is time to stop “pushing”, step back for awhile and PULL that door of opportunity.

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